European Computing and Philosophy Conference
June 21-23, 2007 University of Twente,
Enschede, The Netherlands,
ECAP07 Homepage

School of Robotics

School of Robotics


Last updated: June 19th, 2007
Click here to download the updated booklet of ECAP 07

TRACK 6 - Information and Computing Ethics [W2]
Information and Computing Ethics - Chair: Alison Adam
Gianmarco Veruggio
Roboethics: an interdisciplinary approach to the social implication of Robotics

TRACK 11 - Philosophy and Ethics of Robotics [W3]
Philosophy and Ethics of Robotics - Chair: Gianmarco Veruggio
Ishii Kayoko
Can a Robot Intentionally Conduct Mutual Interactions with Human Being?
Ronald C. Arkin
On the Ethical Quandaries of a Practicing Roboticist: A First Hand Look
TRACK 11 - Philosophy and Ethics of Robotics [W3]
Philosophy and Ethics of Robotics - Chair: Gianmarco Veruggio
Jutta Weber
Analysing Material, Semiotic and Socio-Political Dimensions of Artificial Agents
Daniel Persson
Ethics of Intelligent Systems - Artefacts, Producers and Users
Lunch next to workshop rooms
Philosophy and Ethics of Robotics - Chair: Gianmarco Veruggio
Merel Noorman
Exploring the Limits to the Autonomy of Artificial agents
Susana Nascimento
Autonomous Anthropomorphisms: Robot Narratives and Critical Social Theories
Peter Asaro
How Just Could A Robot War Be?
Edward H. Spence
Robot Rights: The Moral Life of Androids