Lethality and Autonomous Robots: An Ethical Stance |
P. M. Asaro |
Robots and Responsibility from a Legal Perspective |
D. Bisset |
Introduction to the CARE Workpackage on Legal Societal
and Ethical Issues |
A. Casals, J. Amat |
Technology and Disability. The Cost, Efficiency and
Acceptability trade-off. |
M. Decker |
Can Humans Be Replaced by Autonomous Robots? Ethical
Reflections in the Framework of an Interdisciplinary Technology Assessment |
A. Fornai et al. |
Human-Robot Interaction in Autism |
J. M. Galvan |
Can Bill Gates Give Us the Reasons for Hope? |
G. Giralt, E. Guglielmelli |
Robots Interacting with Humans: Confronting the Critical Challenge of Machine Intelligence Dependability |
N. Kitano |
Animism, Rinri, Modernization; the Base of Japanese Robotics |
D. Levy |
Robot Prostitutes as Alternatives to Human Sex Workers |
C. Reynolds, A. Cassinelli, M. Ishikawa |
Economically Autonomous Robotic Entities |
P. Salvini, C. Laschi, P. Dario, |
Roboethics in Biorobotics: Discussion of Case Studies |
M. Scheutz, C. Crowell |
The Burden of Embodied Autonomy: Some Reflections
on the Social and Ethical Implications of Autonomous Robots |
H.B.Shim |
Establishing a Korean Robot Ethics Charter |
A. Takanishi |
Mottainai Thought and Social Thought and Social Acceptability of Robots in Japan Acceptability of Robots in Japan |
H. F. Machiel Van der Loos |
Ethics by Design: A Conceptual Approach to Personal
Service Robot Systems |
G. Veruggio |
Roboethics Roadmap |
R. Von Schomberg |
From the Ethics of Technology towards an Ethics of Knowledge Policy & Knowledge Assessment |
R. Von Schomberg |
The Precautionary Principle and its Normative Challenges |