09.00-09.30 Gianmarco Veruggio
09.00-09.30 Introduction to Roboethics
09.30-10.00 Paweł Lichocki, Peter H. Kahn Jr., Aude Billard
09.30-10.00 The Ethical Landscape in Robotics
10.00-10.30 Hironori Matsuzaki
10.00-10.30 When machines replace people? The place of robots in a functionally differentiated society
10.30-11.00 Morning Coffee Break
11.00-11.30 Jorge Solis, Atsuo Takanishi
11.00-11.30 Recent Trends in Humanoid Robotics Research, Their Applications and Some Possible Implications
11.30-12.00 Paolo Dario, Nicola Vitiello, Pericle Salvini
11.30-12.00 Robots and Law. What legal and safety regulations for future Robot Companions for Citizens?
12.00-14.00 Lunch Break (*)
14.00-14.30 Bruno Siciliano
14.00-14.30 Thoughts and initiatives to enhance divulgation, dissemination and promotion of robotics into society
14.30-15.30 Documentary
14.30-15.30 Ciao Robot - The Birth of Roboethics
15.30-16.00 Afternoon Coffee Break
16.00-16.30 Paolo Fiorini
16.00-16.30 Ethical Issues in Surgical Robotics
16.30-17.00 Yueh-Hsuan Weng
16.30-17.00 Networked Robots: A Brief Look at Possible Legal Implications
17.00-17.30 Fiorella Operto, Gianmarco Veruggio
17.00-17.30 Elements of Roboethics in Service Robots’ Standardization
17.30-18.00 Discussion
*) Coffee will be available during coffee breaks, lunch is not included in the registration. The participants should make their own lunch arrangements.