- ICRA'07 Workshop on Roboethics Workshop April 14, 2007 - Roma, Italy Contact Information: Gianmarco Veruggio (info at roboethics dot org) The goal of the Full Day Workshop is a cross-cultural update for engineering scientists who wish to monitor the medium and long effects of applied robotics technologies. *** THE CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS IS OPEN *** (Deadline for submission: January 5th , 2007)
- Poster at Humanoids'06 Announcement December 6, 2006 - Genoa, Italy Contact Information: Gianmarco Veruggio (gianmarco at veruggio dot it) During the Poster Session of the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Gianmarco Veruggio presented a poster displaying the TC activities and announcing the ICRA07 Workshop on Roboethics. New members were recruited.
- Presentation at ETHICBOTS Workshop Announcement October 18, 2006 - Naples, Italy Contact Information: Gianmarco Veruggio (gianmarco at veruggio dot it) During the Workshop "Ethics of Human Interaction with Robotic, Bionic, and AI Systems: Concepts and Policies", organized by the ETHICBOTS Project, Gianmarco Veruggio announced the ICRA07 Workshop on Roboethics.
- Plenary Talk at IROS 2006 Dissemination October 11, 2006 - Beijing, China Contact Information: George Bekey (info at roboethics dot org) During the Plenary Talk "Co-existing with Robots" at IROS 2006, our distinguished member George A. Bekey presented some slides on the TC activities.
- Steering Meeting Email discussion March 14 - 27, 2006 March 27, 2006 - Electronic Contact Information: Gianmarco Veruggio (gianmarco at veruggio dot it) An electronic meeting of the IEEE TC on Roboethics was hold after the Euron Roboethics Atelier (27 February - 3 March 2006, Genova, Italy). Participants: Gianmarco Veruggio, Ron Arkin, Atsuo Takanishi and Jorge Solis.
- Dissemination at EURON Annual Meeting Dissemination March 18, 2006 - Palermo, Italy Contact Information: Gianmarco Veruggio (gianmarco at veruggio dot it) During the EURON Annual Meeting Gianmarco Veruggio disseminated the TC activities and recruited new members.
- Dissemination at EURON Atelier on Roboethics Dissemination March 2, 2006 - Genoa, Italy Contact Information: Gianmarco Veruggio (gianmarco at veruggio dot it) During the EURON Atelier on Roboethics, the TC Co-Chairs met and many new members were recruited.
- Mini Workshop on Roboethics at BioRob 2006 Dissemination February 20, 2006 - Pisa, Tuscany, Italy Contact Information: Gianmarco Veruggio (gianmarco at veruggio dot it) In the framework of BioRob 2006, The first IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, a miniworkshop on Roboethics took place. It was atteded - among others - by Paolo Dario, Atsuo Takanishi and Gianmarco Veruggio, who disseminated the TC activities and recruited new members.
- ICRA'05 Workshop on Roboethics Workshop April 18, 2005 - Barcelona, Spain Contact Information: Paolo Dario (TCRoboEthics at mail-arts dot sssup dot it) The Full-Day Workshop on Robo-Ethics at ICRA 2005 has the purpose of promoting a high-profile, multidisciplinary discussion on the ethical implications that are increasingly raised by new research challenges and application domains of robotics.