09.30 Welcome and Introduction (Giovanni CONSO, Lamberto MAFFEI)
10.00 Bruno SICILIANO (Italy), “Status and Perspectives of Robotics”
10.30 Luigia CARLUCCI AIELLO (Italy), “Artificial Intelligence meets Robotics”
11.00 Coffe break
11.30 Raja CHATILA (France), “Cognitive Robotics”
12.00 Yoshihiko NAKAMURA (Japan), “Spaciotemporal Data of Human Behavior and Robot Intelligence”
12.30 Discussion
13.00 Lunch Buffet
14.30 Paolo DARIO (Italy), “Bio-robotics”
15.00 Oussama KHATIB (USA), “Human-Centered Robotics”
15.30 Gianmarco VERUGGIO (Italy), “Philosophical, Social and Ethical Implications of Robotics”
16.00 Coffe break
16.30 Paolo ROSSI (Italy), “Daedalus sive mechanicus: Humankind and Machines”
17.00 Roberto CORDESCHI (Italy), “The development of the synthetic method in cognitive science and robotics”
17.30 Discussion